Thursday, April 19, 2007


Can dogs hibernate? I think I should have this past week. More snow. How dreadful. Do they really think I should have to go out in that? I try not to but the people around here are pretty pushy. If I dont go out they pick me up and put me out. In my opinion that take a lot of NERVE!

I have added a photo of myself. I really hate to have my picture taken so my best photos are when I am asleep. But then that is my FAVORITE pastime so I guess that is appropriate!

"Mom" appears to be getting ready to go someplace again... (I hate when she leaves me alone) so I suppose that means I will be out the door again. Doesnt she know I will be just fine if she doesnt torture me like that? What is her problem? I know she loves me so I guess that makes all the other stuff worth it. :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Get out of BED!

This morning my "mom" didnt get up with the alarm. Does she have any idea what that does to me? I hear that alarm start beeping and I am awake and ready to GO if you know what I mean. She just laid there and tried to get me to go back under the covers. I didnt want to go. So I tried to lick her face. She didnt like that either. Eventually she got up and all was well. I could do my usual bark at the world routine and then head for the couch.

"Dad" disturbed me this morning though. He likes to make breakfast some mornings. Well today he was cutting up something and boy did it smell good. I couldnt resist going out to the kitchen and putting on my charm to see if I could get some. He wouldnt even look at me! The nerve! I didnt give up until I could tell he was done with his cutting. To his credit when he packed his lunch he shared with me. YUM!!!

Now I am just waiting for the family to get home so I can see everyone. I get so excited until "Mom" finally sits down and talks with me. Then I feel so much better. Is that her I hear coming?

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Getting Started

Hi, in case you havent figured it out, I am a dog. I really do live a dogs life! For example this morning after getting my master out of bed to take me out, I tiptoed thru the freshly fallen snow (yes snow in April) barked at the world just to make sure they were up along with me. Then I headed back in the house and to the couch for a much needed nap!